Stormy Daniels
Stormy Daniels
With a lot of chance,Stormy Daniels could be the begining of the end of a clown .
Trump has made a lot of faut in this story ....
Reminder .
Trump cheat is wife with a star of the "X" .
Just before the présidential election ,his lawyer get hold of her .
He offer money for is silence .
To incrase the pressure he threat her .
She sign the contract .
The juridicals problemes are the following for the pay
a) if the lawyer of trump has paid such an amount without be repaid by Trump ,
it's an illégal financing of the Presidential campaign .
b) if Trump repaid the lawyer,
it's an illégal personnal use of the campaing funds.
The juridicals problems for the contract of silence :
a) the contract is unvalide because Trump didn't have sign himelf.
b) the contract is unvalide because she as sign under a threat ...
Stormy is not a prostitute .
Effectively ... Trump didn't pay to open the legs,but to close the mouth !
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Date de dernière mise à jour : 04/04/2018